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Ugly Video Shows Group of Girls in Maoming Beating Up Another Girl

Posted: 07/1/2014 3:41 pm

A girl was beaten by a group of her peers in Maoming, and the whole episode was caught on video. A video has surfaced on the internet that shows three girls, who all look to be junior high school students, ganging up to beat on another girl as a fourth accomplice records a video of the entire incident.

The video shows three girls ganging up on the single girl, while the fourth girl presumably holds the camera to film the incident. All appear to be junior high school students.

At one point, one of the attackers poses with a “V-sign” to the camera as she says, “Yeah!”

READ: Caught on Tape: Zhuhai Girl Surrounded, Beaten
and Stripped by Female Classmates

The victim, wearing navy blue, didn’t hit back at her attackers during the entire ordeal. None of the people in the video have been identified.

Beating up a single girl by a gang of female bullies is a common story in Guangdong, one that is often accompanied by a video recording.

In 2008, a 17 year-old girl was beaten up by four girls and then raped by a gang of boys. In 2009, three girls ganged up on a girl in Jieyang. In 2010, a Guangdong woman described by media as “beautiful and pregnant” was beaten by a gang of girls while passersby stood and watched. Last year, a Zhuhai girl was beaten and stripped by a gang of girls on camera.


Photos: Screenshots from Sina Video


How to Attract a Chinese Man Part 1: A Cartoon You is a Sexier You

Posted: 05/5/2014 7:31 pm

how to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beautyHey, expat ladies: does being single in China suck? Are you tired of being an amazing catch that no fisherman is interested in? Take our Nanfang China Insider Sex Tips for the easy way to make yourself more appealing to the Chinese man!

As the prominence of social media continues to grow, so too will your appearance online. For you to properly send out the right signals, you’ll need to look your best in order to compete with the many pictures of last night’s dinner on Weixin.

We are all for being fabulous and free as a single woman in your thirties, but it remains that Chinese men are fickle with their choices. Don’t wind up being a leftover!

Entire lives and websites are devoted to fashion styles, clothes and make-up in China, but for this installment of Nanfang China Insider Sex Tips we’re going to focus on one thing: how to have an aesthetically-pleasing online appearance by Chinese standards.

If you thought posing like an alluring Chinese girl was as easy as flashing the peace sign, well sorry, girlfriend—you just Dewey Decimaled yourself a place back up on the shelf. It’s high time your avatar got a makeover.

Taking a headshot and digitally adding stars and rainbows is so pre-millennial. Nowadays, all the hippest Chinese girls are going back to the drawing board—literally.

Chinese women are taking pictures of their faces and accomplishing what make-up and plastic surgery can never do: becoming the paragon of pulchritude that is a cartoon character:how to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beauty

Finally, ladies—we can look our best without tramping around in high heels all night. Apply the Chinese aesthetic to your own face: flatten your face, enlarge your eyes, and make your skin into smooth, creamy porcelain. And get rid of that nose while you’re at to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beauty

Animization isn’t just about making your character portrait into a cartoon profile, Another popular method is to enhance reality into the idyllic dream it ought to be:how to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beautyhow to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beauty

If the Chinese man of your dreams has been obsessing over a two-dimensional fictional character, why let that stop you? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

Here’s a picture of fine, young Chinese woman. She’s very pretty, and that wink is a nice touch:

how to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beauty

However, by online standards in the ever-competitive world of social media, that isn’t enough. Ladies, you’ll need to bring your A-game to the table, and by “A” we mean “Anime”:how to attract a chinese man animization photoshop cartoon drawing beauty

Animization—it’s even better than the real thing.

If fumbling with phone apps of a foreign language or bugging your creepy co-worker to sketch you up isn’t a job in the cards, well don’t fret, you can still get of picture of the “ideal you” that has been waiting to transcend from its boring reality equivalent.

With so many people using smart phones to take “selfies”, it’s high time that a camera was specifically made for this purpose. And that’s what the Casio EX-ZR1000 is: a camera that is designed to be held at arm’s length and pointed at your own face. This camera has a screen that swivels out to allow us to take proper pictures of ourselves without needing to stand in front of the bathroom mirror.

And to help us ladies out, the Casio EX-ZR1000 is equipped with a number of built-in features that allow us to skip the hassle of Photoshop and other programs (Math and sciences—yuck! Am I right, ladies?) A special feature of this camera is a make-up filter that lightens the skin and softens the tone of everyone in its field of view—in up to twelve separate increasing increments!makeup filter casio ex zr1000

We’re not sure if increasing the size of the filter will make your smile bigger, or in fact makes you truly happier.

(No word as to what will happen when a user with beautiful dark skin uses this filter, but then this problem likely has solved itself by not being on sale in places that aren’t in Asia.)

Chinese culture has its own standards of beauty, and while there isn’t much you can do to change your physical features, there is a lot you can do to change the way your physical features appear.

Ladies, it’s time for you to be fabulous and become the sexy cartoon character you’ve spent your entire career trying to overcome.

Photos: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Youtube screencap


Bikini babes gather for scantily-clad photo stunt at Guangzhou water park

Posted: 05/7/2013 7:00 am

Chimelong Water Park has unleashed its weapon of choice for the summer: an army of sexy, scantily-clad bikini babes.

Thousands of women donned their best poolside outfits to form a snake-like 2013 as Chimelong gears up for another busy summer season.

The park’s mass appeal, particularly with parents, means its advert might not go down well with some. Although dads might be okay with it.

As temperatures in this part of the world can easy top the high 30s, with some added humidity, we’ll be revealing our best torsos in the months ahead.

Check out more of the photos below:


Guangzhou rolls out mistress-reduction program

Posted: 04/4/2011 9:19 am

It’s a complicated social phenomena, and not just here in China: women dating rich (and sometimes married) men, just because they have a fat wallet.

But while all countries have been dealing with this issue since practically the start of time, it seems so much more pronounced in China that Guangzhou is instituting a pilot program inside its schools to dissuade girls from becoming mistresses.

From the China Daily:

Girls in South China’s Guangdong province will get a crash course on how to resist the sweet talk of “sugar daddies” when schools start teaching them about self-respect.

The pilot project is aimed at telling girls at middle and elementary schools how to avoid falling into the clutches of older, richer men and stand on their own two feet.

“The education will focus on self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement,” said Lei Yulan, vice-governor of Guangdong and director of the Working Committee on Children and Women of Guangdong province.

“We hope to get experience from this pilot program and then gradually roll it out across the province.”

She revealed the plan at a symposium on Monday where Miao Meixian, the former principal of Guangdong Female Technical Secondary School, criticized the phenomenon that has seen many female college students and graduates become mistresses or marry sugar daddies and become full-time housewives.

Miao said the young women were settling for such a life in part because of deficiencies and failures in the education of girls.

Not everyone is a fan of the project, however, believing it could have some unintended side effects:

….some students argued that exposing children to such topics too soon could bring more risks than benefits.

“Mentioning such topics as marrying rich men or being a mistress may suggest ideas to young girls that they had not thought about,” said Shen Xiaoqing, an 18-year-old female student at Guangzhou Zhixin Middle School.

Some experts also said such a program is unlikely to dissuade people from marrying for money.

“Wanting to rely on rich men is a complicated social phenomenon caused by various factors and it is improper to attribute it to personal immorality,” said Li Xia, an anthropologist working in women’s studies and a senior editor at the Commercial Press.

One colleagues’ take on the matter is that doing the so-called “right thing” in China, such as going to university, working hard, and then entering the workplace often doesn’t result in success (or happiness) in such a corrupt and imbalanced society. The result being that some women decide they can get further ahead taking a different path.

Some argue as China continues to develop and spread the wealth around, fewer women will either want or need to rely on men to achieve their personal goals.

Of course, others would also argue there is nothing wrong with being a mistress at all.



“Mistress Festival” doesn’t go as planned; still yearn for respect

Posted: 03/5/2011 6:00 am

Mistresses in China (and there are many) are rising up: they are severing the shackles of disrespect and boldly yearning for acceptance. But it isn’t going so well.

Proud mistresses in China set up a so-called “Mistress Festival” online on March 3 to air their grievances and celebrate their profession. The date (3/3) is auspicious, because “Little Three” (小三) is often a nickname given to mistresses, given that they are the third party in the relationship. But when there’s an online gathering, you have to expect those who oppose your agenda might appear, such as, say, a wronged wife. And that’s what happened:

Things got off to a bad start when, in her introduction, an invited wife proclaimed her loyalty to her husband.

She was assailed by mistresses mocking her “loyalty” and teasing her by saying they would seduce her husband.

Other participants came to the defense of the beleaguered wife, criticizing the aggressive behavior of the mistresses.

As levels of abuse escalated and chaos reigned, the moderator was forced to warn participants to behave.

This is a hot topic in China, as mistresses seem to be as common as yangrou chuanr stands. The PRD, in particular, is a famous haven for mistresses in relationships with men from nearby Hong Kong and Taiwan. Unlike in the west, however, there appears to be less stigma for mistresses in China; they are almost accepted as an accessory if a man becomes successful enough to have earned one. Even wives will often look the other way, knowing their husbands are just “having fun” and wouldn’t leave the marriage.

So do mistresses deserve respect? There are very few professions that are as shameless; mistresses basically sell their good looks for a pseudo-relationship with a married man, which is only one degree removed from another famous profession. But from their perspective, they are just cashing in: if a man wants to pay a monthly salary, by Gucci handbags and set her up in a good apartment, why shouldn’t she accept? Beats working 9-5 in an office, right?

If you want to check out the website for the mistress festival, you can find it here in Chinese only.

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