The Nanfang / Blog

Guangdong Mistress Wannabe Gets Swindled By Sugar Daddy Recruiter

Posted: 06/3/2014 12:05 pm

mistress for hireMistresses in China are renowned for living off the riches of their (often married) boyfriends, but it doesn’t always work out as planned.

That was the case for a 17 year-old Guangzhou girl named Lili (a pseudonym). She answered an online ad in August 2012 to meet Li Jun, a 27 year-old Hunan man, who promised he could introduce her to men interested in taking her as a mistress in exchange for money.

However, before Li was able to introduce her to any potential “sugar daddies”, he first asked Lili to pay an RMB 5,000 “honesty fee” upfront.

Trusting Li, Lili dutifully transferred the money. Li then threatened to expose Lili for being involved in this conspiracy. With Li Jun holding it over her, he raped Lili and used that to further blackmail her.

When the victim’s distraught family found out about the crime, they reported Li to the police, who arrested him and charged him with fraud and rape. He was later convincted and has been sentenced to 10 and a half years in prison.

The moral of the story? Even mistresses can be swindled… sometimes.

Photo: Weibo


17 Year-Old Guangdong Girl Broadcasts Suicide Attempt Over WeChat

Posted: 05/30/2014 1:59 pm

girl wechat suicide attempt guangdong jiangmen drug breakup relationshipsDistraught over a failed relationship, a 17 year-old girl surnamed Fu
broadcast her suicide attempt online using the WeChat social media service, reports the Nandu.

READ: Guangdong Schoolgirl Attempts Suicide Because
Teacher Disapproved of Hairdo

After failing to win the affections of her love interest, Fu cut her wrists in a hotel room in Jiangmen, Guangdong at around 7:50pm on May 28. Fu posted pictures of her bloodied arm online as well as this text:

  • girl wechat suicide attempt guangdong jiangmen drug breakup relationshipsHalf of my heart is bleeding, half of my heart forgives.
  • How long will it take to forget you?
  • As much as this hurts, it doesn’t hurt as much as my heart hurts
  • What am I, in the end? I say other people are retarded, but I am also myself. Chen Xuanlin, I hate you.
  • I’m someone who has never done drugs before, but today, what else is there to do? I love you, Wenjie.
  • I love him, but he doesn’t love me. Love is always like that.
  • I won’t be so foolish again, won’t force it, forcing this won’t result in happiness, I won’t make you stay because of my tears.

An unidentified friend in Fu’s WeChat social circle saw the posts and had the following conversation with her:

girl wechat suicide attempt guangdong jiangmen drug breakup relationships

Friend: What are you up to?
Fu: Killing myself.
Friend: Sister, do you need me to call the police?
Fu: No need, I want to die.
Friend: Dying at such a young age is a tragedy. Where are you right now?
Fu: Haiyi Hotel, Room #505

The friend found Fu at the specified location and notified emergency services, who in turn were able to successfully rescue Fu.

READ: Threatening to Jump, Woman in Zhongshan
Falls Asleep During Suicide Attempt

Fu had used shards from a broken tea pot to make dozens of gashes into her left front forearm. Upon inspection, medical personnel say the cuts are not deep, and that the injuries are not life-threatening.

Police say that Fu had been using methamphetamine before the suicide attempt, but are unsure as to the source of the drug.

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Photos: Nandu


Shenzhen Ambulances Can Get Video Evidence If You Block Their Way

Posted: 05/21/2014 2:05 pm

Shenzhen ambulances have been mounted with dashboard video cameras to help collect evidence to prosecute drivers that obstruct their path, reports Shenzhen Evening News.

Starting May 19, a initiative had begun to penalize any driver that blocks the passage of an emergency vehicle in Shenzhen with fines of RMB 300 and three points deducted from their driver’s license. Yesterday, eight drivers were caught and fined for obstructing ambulances.

In similar fashion, a rear-mounted camera in the interior of the ambulance will collect video evidence to help settle any confrontations that should arise between patients and paramedics.

Previous cases of ambulance obstruction as well as assault on medical staff have been dismissed as no video evidence was collected.

Chen, a veteran ambulance driver, said that ambulances are normally blocked in Shenzhen:

Over 98% of drivers do not get out of the way for us. There is simply no concept of this in the minds of city residents.

The use of video cameras will also be prominently used in an online traffic monitoring system set to debut in Shenzhen next year.

Users will be able to access traffic conditions throughout the city updated every five minutes and be able to plan necessary detours, reports the Shenzhen Standard. Traffic will graded on a scale from one to five. GPS tracking devices in taxis will aid in determining the volume of traffic.

Photo: iFeng


China Insider: Ten Ways to Smack Talk To Mainland Chinese Over Xbox Live

Posted: 05/11/2014 5:30 pm

Reform has brought us some nifty things over the years, and none more next-gen as the recent lift of the ban on video game consoles in China. This September, the Xbox One will sold in the Shanghai free trade zone.

Soon, the joys of online console multi-player will be experienced by a new video gaming audience. While market analysts speculate upon proper strategies to win over this new market, there is but one practical problem left for the common gamer to deal with: how do I smack talk to a mainland Chinese player over Xbox Live?

Now, certain factor may not facilitate online smack talk for Chinese Xbox Live. It may well be that China will become its own online-locked region and serve as an extension of the Great Firewall to keep the potty mouths of rambunctious 12 year-old Call of Duty players from spoiling the unsullied ears of Chinese players. Furthermore, it may well be that a Chinese player would rather rocket jump at the chance to practice his English with a native English speaker like you than engage in online griefing.

Be that as it may, online fragging employs its own universal language made up of an alphabet of gibs. That said, here are some easy Chinese phrases with which to punctuate your online kills.

Remember: use responsibly in the virtual world of digitized blood, and not in a practical situation in the real world—there are no resets there.

1) 你死定了 (Nǐ sǐ dìng le): “You’re gonna die!” The basics. Not great banter, but good for hyping up the contest as you wait it out in the lobby.

2) 去死吧 (Qù sǐ ba):”Go to hell!” A very common insult, very applicable in the context of mutual fragging.

3) 你被打中了 (Nǐ bèi dǎ zhòng le): “I shot/hit you!” Again, nothing too difficult, but then it’s these simple phrases that you are more likely to use while double jumping or parkouring or whatever is occupying most of your brain.

4)  无懈可击 (Wúxièkějī): “Unassailable/impeccable.” Be sure to say this after you frag someone else, and not when someone tags you.

5) 你不是我的对手 (Nǐ bùshì wǒ de duìshǒu): This literally means “You are not my opponent”, but saying this after you have beaten someone gives the implication that “You are not worthy of being my opponent.”

6) 起死回生 (Qǐ sǐ huí shēng): This means “to rise from the dead” or to make “an unexpected recovery”. Scream this out whenever you respawn to get on your opponents nerves.

7) 我要给我师父报仇 (Wǒ yào gěi wǒ shīfu bàochóu): “I will avenge my master!” Nothing remotely to do with the first-person shooter genre, but still a cool thing to shout out.

8) 我要斩草除根 (Wǒ yào zhǎncǎochúgēn): This literally means” I want to pull up grass by the roots” when you’re talking about plants, but when spoken with a blood-curdling tone this means to “I will completely destroy my enemies“.

9) 你死在我手下,一点儿也不冤枉 (Nǐ sǐ zài wǒ shǒuxià, yīdiǎn er yě bù yuānwang): “It is no injustice at all for you to die at my hands.” A verbal barb traded within the confines of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this one is good when yelled or as a menacing whisper.

10) 我一路过关斩将,终于杀入决赛 (Wǒ yīlù guòguānzhǎnjiàng, zhōngyú shā rù juésài): “After all my trials and tribulations, I will kill my way to the top.” A little wordy perhaps, but still a gem that will strike a chord among Chinese players for evoking an idiom about Guan Yu from the Three Kingdoms era.

Photo: Evil Avatar


Shenzhen Tomato Food Fight Ripe for Online Controversy

Posted: 05/4/2014 1:55 pm

This holiday weekend, a Shenzhen fair called “Windows of the World” featured a tomato food fight as one of its exhibits to showcase international cultures. However, little did organizers know their pure intentions sowed the seeds of discontent as controversy grows over the perceived waste of food, reports Sina Weibo.

Participants donned raincoats and threw tomatoes at each other as spectators watched from outside behind a glass window. Starting May 1, the attraction has drawn hundreds of tourists each day.

For those unfamiliar with the tradition of splattering tomatoes, La Tomatina is a long-standing festival in Bunoi, Spain in which participants fling over-abundant crops of tomatoes at each other. Since it started over 70 years ago, La Tomatina has attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists and is emulated across the world including one held during the fall in Dongguan that consumes 15 tons of tomatoes.

However, vociferous objections have been vocal online. One netizen complained, “Has [China] become so great and powerful that it is able to waste food in order to achieve spiritual consolation?” while another said, “Farmers have it tough; as well, there are many people in China who don’t eat enough so that they can save money.”

And then there’s the bill: using yesterday’s wholesale cost of tomatoes of 4.2 yuan per kilogram as a standard, it costs RMB 3,150 everyday to equip revelers with 750 kg of projectiles.

A spokesperson for the Windows of the World justified the attraction as being simple “stress-relief” that is a good complement to the other international exhibits that allow visitors to experience other cultures without the need to leave the country. As well, the spokesperson claims the tomatoes are all bought overripe; this means that they are safer, more fragrant upon impact, and are in fact helping local markets by buying tomatoes that would otherwise be thrown out.

While it’s great that fair participants have the privilege to enjoy an activity that could only otherwise take place in garbage dumpsters around the city, it still seems as though a food fight is still not yet properly done in China. Wearing raincoats, food fighters have nothing at stake as they hurl unwanted food at each other that won’t ruin their clothes as a crowd watches this exchange safely from outside, trying to comprehend the enjoyment that has clearly escaped them.

The whole point of a food fight is that you’re wasting food that could otherwise be put to good use; unlike other projectile contests, your getting hit adds to your enjoyment as you break the taboo of wearing on your body what you should instead be eating.

If this attraction is to continue, we’d suggest for this tomato food fight along with other similar Chinese festivals with names including ”Grape Fight”, “Apple Art”, and “Orange Ocean” to introduce the concept properly: as an example of unabashed first-world decadence that China is still reluctant to embrace despite the advancement of its middle-class.

Meanwhile, this “counterfeit” food fight will only serve to reinforce the traditional belief that food should not go to waste, and that ketchup should be put on pizza.


Photos: Shenzhen News


Guangzhou wife for sale: only 300,000 yuan

Posted: 11/12/2013 6:00 pm

It seems that in China today money can buy anything. But can it buy love? That’s a hard question to answer. It will, however, buy you a 20-year-old Chinese wife — assuming you have a spare 300,000 yuan (US$49,200) lying around.

A 20-year-old Guangzhou woman, only identified as Li, posted an offer on her microblog at the end of October stating that she would marry the man who covered her father’s enormous medical bills: he has been diagnosed with leukemia and requires a life-saving bone marrow transplant.

An elementary school teacher and Art graduate, Li has so far managed to find a rather impressive 200,000 yuan (partly thanks to loans from relatives), leaving her 100,000 yuan short of the total sum.

“I have no other way to turn. I hope it can raise awareness and bring help,” Li said, according to a report by Want China Times yesterday.

In reply to her plea, a man claiming to be a “professor” essentially told her to sell sex instead, because he would “rather pay for sex services” than a wife.

Good luck with that, prof.

Photo credit:

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