The Nanfang / Blog

Beijing Taxi Fares Among the Cheapest in the World

Posted: 09/24/2014 3:25 pm

beijing taxi gridlock traffic jamBeijing, once famous for its garlic-smelling cabs, has the cheapest taxi fares in the world among major international metropolitan cities, according to Focus, a German publication. Beijing taxis only charge 3.87 Euros (RMB 29.8, around $4.97) for a 10 kilometre trip.

At the other end is Tokyo, where taking a cab is downright prohibitive. A 10 kilometre ride in the world’s largest city is 25.39 Euros (RMB 200.1, approximately $32.64), 6.7 times more than Beijing.

The taxi services of other world cities fall in between. A ten kilometer taxi trip in London costs 22.5 Euros (around $28.93); in New York City, it costs the equivalent of 13.98 Euros (approximately $17.97); and in Paris, such a trip will set you back 12.20 Euros (about $15.68).

Wang Limei, secretary of the Chinese National Raod Transportation association, explained that these European and American cities have higher taxi fares because “foreigners have higher salaries”.

Traffic expert Zhang Haitao said Beijing fares couldn’t ever get as high as those overseas:

From downtown Washington to the airport, it will cost about $100. This is too expensive for locals, and removes the effectiveness of (the taxi) by its price.

Caijing explained that taxis in these other countries are used as an emergency measure, and not regularly used for commuting like in Beijing. Residents of the USA and Europe also take fewer taxis because they have a convenient and effective public transportation system. (The fact that many Europeans and North Americans also own cars wasn’t mentioned).

Caijing went on to say each of these world-class cities have subway stations within a 100 to 200 meter walk, and that it is even convenient to take luggage on the subway .

At the end of it all, you get what you pay for. You get cheap fares in Beijing, only to sit in the worst traffic in the country.


Photo: roll.msn


Guangzhou’s Subway Map To Soon Look Like Tokyo’s

Posted: 09/17/2014 6:07 pm

To call this tentative plan for the 2018 combined subway systems of Guangzhou and Foshan ”ambitious” would be to describe “humongous” as “partially hefty”.

By 2018, the Guangzhou and Foshan subway systems will have seven interchange stations, Foshan will boast a total of eight subway lines, and Guangzhou will have a staggering 23.

To put things in perspective, the Guangzhou Metro currently has nine lines whereas Foshan only has one.

This map shows lines that are planned for construction and those currently being developed. As reported by the Zhujiang Times, not all lines are 100 percent confirmed. (Click here for a high resolution map)

Guangzhou has three new lines currently being developed in conjunction with the extension of three existing lines, while Foshan is working on two new lines with one line extended.

The 2018 map is very similar to the “long-term plan” posted by the Urban Planning Bureau of Guangzhou back in 2010. (Seen above; click here for the high resolution version)

We’ll have to note that completed subway lines 2 through 8 for the Foshan Metro are actually scheduled for 2020 and beyond, so it doesn’t look like everything will be in place by 2018. In any case, you’d better charge up your cellphone for some serious subway commuting in the near future.

Photos: Zhujiang Times, Wikipedia


Guangzhou to Construct 12 New Subway Lines by 2016

Posted: 04/9/2014 11:42 am

You’ll be making your morning commute from the exotic locales of Guangzhou’s far-flung suburbs and satellite cities in the near future. PRC National Development and Reform Commission have announced that 203.9 billion yuan will be invested towards the construction of 19 transportation lines, Guangzhou Daily reported. Of these, 12 will be new subway lines or extensions of subway lines, and are to be completed by 2016

This new transportation infrastructure will lay a total 416.33 km of new track. Of note will be the implementation of a new electric trolley circuit that will connect Haizhu District, Guiguangtie Road, and Nanguangtie Road. Construction on this trolley circuit will begin building this year.

The 12 subway lines to be completed by 2016 will include the following. Check to see if these include your neighborhood:

  • Line 6 Phase Two (Changban–Xiangxue)
  • Line 7 Phase One (Guangzhou South Station–University City South)
  • Line 16 (Fenghuang Xincheng to Wenhua Park)
  • Line 9 Phase One (Fei’e Ling–Gaozeng)
  • Inter-continental Guangzhou–Foshan line (the Guangzhou portion from Xilang–Lijiao)
  • Line 4 South Extension (Jinzhou–Nansha Passenger Port)
  • Line 8 North Extension (Wenhua Park–Baiyun Lake)
  • Line 13 First Stage (Yuzhu–Xiangjingling)
  • Inter-provincial Dongguan–Shenzhen line from Xintang–Hongmei (Guangzhou portion)
  • Line 14 Phase One (Jiahewanggang–Jiekou)
  • Line 14 Subsidary Zhishi City Branch (Xinhe–Zhenlong)
  • Line 21 (Tianhe Park–Zengcheng Plaza)

Three more lines to be added in 2017, and the Inter-provincial Dongguan–Shenzhen line from Baiyun Airport–Guangzhou North Station to be completed in 2018.

Finally, there will now be more places to play with your phone and ignore your fellow commuters.

Photo: GZDaily


60% of netizens support Shenzhen, Huizhou and Dongguan merging

Posted: 01/15/2014 11:00 am

An online survey has revealed that 59.91% of netizens support the potential merger of Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou into a supercity. The proposal, which would also involve the absorption of some counties formerly under the jurisdiction of Shanwei, is to be discussed at the annual session of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, which began yesterday, Southern Metropolis Daily reports.

The proposal, the virtues of which were outlined in a lengthy essay by a Shenzhen blogger in October, has its basis in the fact that Guangdong has the largest number of prefecture level cities of any province. Guangdong has 21, Shandong is in second with 17, and Jiangsu is in third with 13. Economic output in Guangdong is currently mostly concentrated in Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan and Shenzhen, and there is a school of thought that says mergers into supercities may change this.

The survey of 2,148 netizens, all of whom were over 30 and more than half of whom lived in one of the three cities, threw up some interesting results. Here are the results of the survey, which was jointly run by the newspaper and Guangdong Wang:

Do you support the merging of Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou?

Support - 59.91%
Oppose - 25.65%
None of my business - 14.43%

If they merge, which city will benefit the most?

Shenzhen - 20.91%
Dongguan - 9.49%
Huizhou - 54.53%
None - 7.94%
Don’t know - 7.13%

If the cities merge, which problem would be most exacerbated?

Traffic - 13.03%
Pollution - 15.45%
Officials’ abuse of power - 20.38%
Increasing housing prices - 28.96%
Poverty in less developed areas - 13.16%

Do you agree that Guangdong has too many prefecture level cities?

Agree - 69.95%
Disagree - 30.05%

Is the merger feasible?

Very feasible - 36.45%
Unfeasible - 39.44%
Possibly feasible - 24.1%

What would a Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou supercity be like?

Very good, there is all kinds of room for development - 43.6%
Not bad, there would be both competition and cooperation - 32.96%
Not good, competition would exceed cooperation - 23.44%

Do the three cities already have their distinct character?

Yes - 77.83%
No - 14.47%
Don’t know - 7.7%

Zhou Chunshan, vice president of the School of Geography and Planning Studies at Sun Yat-sen University said such a merger would be more difficult than, say, a merger between Chaozhou, Shantou and Jieyang, as the cities were larger and the stakes were higher.

Could it really happen?

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