The Nanfang / Blog

Forget Regular Guangzhou Taxis, Now You Too Can Be a High-Roller

Posted: 07/9/2014 5:10 pm

Are taxis simply too close to being “public transportation” for you? Do you require the services of a vehicle that is more attuned to your needs?

Maybe you need the services of a BMW Series 6, or a Audi A6. And now, you can rent one as a taxi in Guangzhou, reports Guangzhou Daily.

Announced yesterday by taxi app Kuaidi, a new taxi app called “Line One Cars” gives users the option of reserving luxury cars for a trip or daily commute. It has been named as a competitor to the popular app Uber, which launched in Guangzhou and Shenzhen at the beginning of the year.

These high-end taxis are already available in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou.

Different prices and options are available for “Line One Cars”: There’s economy class, cozy class, merchant class, and luxury class. These get separated into various existing taxi companies and car brands: Dazhong, Tongyong, BMW and Audi.

While commuters seem pleased by the extra options available to them, Guangzhou taxi drivers are not, saying they will cut into their profits. The Guangzhou traffic department also expressed concern seeing as these BMW and Audi taxis aren’t actually taxis:

Even though luxury cars are nice, at present this just has the appearance of being a car for rent, and not an authentic taxi. It isn’t under the jurisdiction of the transport deparment. If there are any disputes arising between passengers and this company, passengers will only be able to rely upon the goodwill of the latter.


Photos: Guangzhou Daily


Taxi Driver Violently Attacked by Foreigner in Shanghai [GRAPHIC]

Posted: 06/5/2014 5:01 pm

[This story contains violent images]

Mr Zhang, a taxi driver in Shanghai, was on his way home last night when he stopped at a red light at the intersection of Jiangsu Road and Wuding West Road in Changning District at around 11pm. That is when he encountered something very strange: a cyclist on a motorbike stopped right in front of his car, blocking it.

As QQ reports, this person entered the taxi via the front passenger door and violently beat Zhang for a full minute. Zhang was unable to exit the vehicle, and could only try his best to defend himself. After the attacker escaped, Zhang was left with multiple injuries: his right brow is cracked, his nose broken, and he has suffered multiple contusions, especially to his hands.

Zhang said he has never met this laowai before, nor had he any reason to expect someone would want to assault him. Zhang described the attacker as a foreigner, but the report didn’t go into any other specifics.

Police say an investigation is underway.

Photos: QQ


Taxi driver runs red lights to rush pregnant woman to hospital

Posted: 09/5/2012 7:00 am

Violations of traffic laws have been making a lot of news in China recently. In one incident, Liaoning Party Disciplinary Secretary Dai Guobin, after being stopped by a traffic police officer, allegedly hit the police officer and threatened to kill anybody who came close, boasting about his powerful contacts in the government.

In another incident, head of the party’s general office of the central committee Ling Jihua had to resign at the weekend after it emerged that his son had been involved in a fatal ferrari crash.

Initially, it appeared that a Foshan taxi driver was the latest person to think traffic laws were below him. But it turns out that he was no ordinary bad driver.

The driver, Wang Shifu, picked up a pregnant woman and her husband on September 3 at the intersection of Lingnan Road and Shencun Road. Two minutes later the baby’s head started to appear, Wang told the Southern Metropolis Daily.

It was around 7:50 a.m. so the roads were busy and Wang was reluctant to break any traffic laws. He was talked into ignoring all the red lights by the husband who said he would pay the fine and take the rap.

Initially, the husband insisted on going to the number 1 hospital, but Wang told him that they had no time to lose and had to go to Chancheng Central Hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital at 8 a.m., the baby girl was fully born. The woman’s husband paid Wang 200 yuan to clean the back seat which was covered in blood and placenta.

After spending more than half a day, Wang went straight to the police station to explain why he had violated traffic laws. Police cancelled Wang’s fine after the woman’s medical history was presented to them.

Wang also told of a time he drove an injured passenger to the hospital and did not ask for a fare.

The baby is healthy and the woman’s husband, surnamed Chen, explained that the due date was September 18. They were caught off guard by the premature birth.


Shenzhen taxi driver returns 5.37 million RMB cash

Posted: 06/13/2012 1:00 pm

In the past year, many people in China have been talking about a decline in public morals. One prominent example was the incident in which 2 year-old Wang Yue was run over and left for dead. Literary wunderkind Han Han has publicly thanked Hong Kong and Taiwan for “protecting Chinese civilization,” as morals decline on the mainland.

But there have also been examples of selfless behaviour on the Chinese mainland. Last week, bus driver Wu Bin was given a large funeral in Hangzhou for showing exceptional composure in ensuring the safety of others after being fatally wounded. There was also the 29 year-old middle school teacher, Zhang Lili, who lost both legs while rescuing two students from being run over by a bus.

Now there is the Shenzhen taxi driver Li Dongying. Han Han cited an example of a Taiwan taxi driver who returned his lost mobile phone to illustrate that Taiwanese were more generous than mainlanders. But Li returned something considerably more valuable than a mobile phone.

On Sunday night at 11:37, a Hong Kong man identified as Mr Zhang, while talking on his phone and in a hurry to get to his hotel, left a suitcase containing 150,000 US dollars and 550,000 Euros in a taxi with the license plate number B394T1. As soon as he noticed the suitcase, driver Li went to Nanhu Police Station which was the closest one to the Day’s Inn Hotel in Luohu District at which Zhang was staying. When Li got there, he noticed that Zhang was already at the station reporting the loss, according to The Daily Sunshine.

On receiving the money, which was essential to his manufacturing business, Zhang exclaimed that Shenzhen was a city full of good people, and extended his thanks to Li. Li downplayed the incident, saying he was simply doing his duty. He told the Daily Sunshine that he often sees passengers leave things behind, and always returns them because failing to do so “could ruin somebody’s life.”

On first noticing the bag, Li opened it to see what was in it. He then called his company and asked for advice on what to do.

According to local television, taxi drivers are legally obliged to return lost items to passengers, but would you, on discovering the contents of Zhang’s suitcase, have shown such integrity?

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