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Cute Girl Kills, Dismembers Cat Because She’s Angry at Her Parents

Posted: 05/29/2014 6:36 pm

[This story contains content that some readers may find upsetting and disturbing]

This is Li Pingping. She lives in Huizhou, Guangdong. Pingping cruelly killed and dismembered a cat and then shared it on Weibo (uncensored photos here, here and here—DO NOT CLICK, you don’t need to see them, just know that they are extremely cruel and horrific)

The pictures of her cruelly tortured and dead cat were posted online along with these words:

This is [what I did to] the ‘Duke’ that I raised myself. It’s the hatred that I have for those men and women sons of bitches, what [I feel] for my father and that cheap cunt

Li wanted to express anger with her family, especially towards her father and stepmother. But she didn’t get any sympathy online. Instead, people called her “insane” and “out of her mind”.

Li had only had the cat for two weeks before she brutally killed it. She also showed no remorse.

I was drunk that night, and then afterwards I wanted to help give it a bath! It wasn’t intentional!!!! I’m very regretful over it!


A lot of things that don’t happen to us is that which we don’t personally experience, and so we can’t easily determine for ourselves who is right, and who is wrong. Many people would not consider being empathetic. If I was him/her and in that kind of environment, what would I do?

Finally on May 26, after having deleted all of her Weibo content right up to the beginning of May, Li posted a letter on her account. It says:

On May 23, I did something that I am very regretful of: I took my little cat’s life. This raised a tempest online and for two days I wasn’t able to eat or sleep. That’s right, netizens criticized and schooled me until I got afraid all over. My restless heart and morality now bears the burden of this guilt. Misfortune to my family and incidents brought on by alcohol have led to this reckless action. These past three days I’ve read the comments made by other users, and then my heart became even more afraid, and so I sank to become even more self-critical. Right now, I realize that the actions that I can’t take back are evil. Not only have I harmed Duke, but I have trespassed upon the humanity by which people treat animals! I have decided not to run away (from my problems), I have to face head-on the mistakes I have made. And so I say to Duke and to society: I’m sorry, I was wrong!

We’re not sure what to make of his letter, so we’ll try to remember Duke in the best way that she was treated under Li’s care: on its very first day with Li back on May 10.

Decided to get a cat! My own kitty! Hee hee! [sleepyface.emo] Good night!

Photos: Weibo (1, 2)


Security Guards At Shenzhen Hospital Abuse Cat, Attack Reporters [GRAPHIC]

Posted: 04/16/2014 11:29 am

[This article contains content and images that may prove to be offensive to some readers.]

Some people are evil. Some people are stupid. And then, there are those exceptional people who are both evil and stupid.

A clear-cut case of animal abuse happened in broad daylight on April 14. Mr Yu was just leaving the Shenzhen People’s Hospital in Futian District when he heard a loud mewing that had attracted the attention of many people in the area. When he noticed two on-duty security guards doing what they shouldn’t be doing, he began to record the following scene:

The text for this video gives more details about the incident: (translated by the Nanfang)

Two Security Guards from the Shenzhen Futian People’s Hospital Abuse a Cat
Yesterday afternoon at around 6pm
Two male security guards from the Shenzhen People’s Hospital in Futian District
used a transparent adhesive tape to tie up a 3-month old cat
and used it to drag the kitty around
Then they hang the kitty to play with it
before dragging the kitty around
Afterwards, they hanged the kitty from a tree
Attracting two small children to come over and ask
“Why have you tied up the kitty?”

Yes, children witnessed this act of animal cruelty as an adult accompanying them walked away. After the end of the video, the cat was taken down from the tree and dragged around before being hung again.

That was evil. Now comes the stupid.

After the video surfaced online, journalists from ten different newspapers and media outlets descended upon the Shenzhen People’s Hospital to confront these security guards. When negotiation with a person identifying themselves as the head of security went nowhere, the reporters went to the information desk to arrange an interview with the hospital’s public relations department.

And then in full view of people whose job it is to record things, security guards began attacking the reporters, reports Shenzhen News, Guangdong Yangcheng Evening News, JS China and other people with the bruises to prove it.

Past stupid and well into Crazytown, security guards beat the journalists with kicks and punches. You’ll have to forgive the lack of clear images of the attack since security guards successfully destroyed cameras from two television stations. The fracas continued until police came to take away the offending security guards.

For the epilogue to this story, we leave Crazytown and depart for Ludicrous City. Lin Hanli, Deputy Director of the Shenzhen People’s Hospital, absolved his organization of any responsibility in regards to property destruction and attacks because the security guards have nothing to do with the hospital; they only happen to work there. Lin said:

“Property management is outsourced, and hospital security guards are the responsibility of property management.”

Back at the beginning of this story, it was a case of “evil” committing animal abuse. Now, by using bureaucracy to absolve responsibility — that hasn’t yet acknowledged the animal abuse — it may be that we’ve gone all the way through the cycle and are back around again at evil.

That, or we’re glimpsing the “irrational national” standard well at work.

Photos: JS China, Shenzhen Evening Post - Weibo account


Questions over journalist’s confession and newspaper’s apology

Posted: 10/29/2013 7:00 am

After inspiring headlines around the world with its front-page appeal for the release of its reporter Chen Yongzhou, Guangzhou-based New Express Daily has issued an apology and Chen has given a televised confession to accepting bribes, BBC reports.

Chen appeared on state television in his prison uniform to issue his apology, image courtesy of Reuters

Chen was arrested over claims he defamed partly state-owned manufacturer of construction machinery Zoomlion in articles exposing alleged corruption. Despite initially receiving the full backing of his employer, Chen said in a statement broadcast on CCTV on Saturday (Oct. 26): “I’m willing to admit my guilt and to show repentance.”

The paper admitted, in an article buried in a corner of its front page, to not being strict enough in fact-checking Chen’s reports after he “accepted bribes and was used to publish many false reports, seriously violating professional journalistic ethics and regulations.”

However, this u-turn is so sudden that many are questioning what is really behind it.

Li Yuanlong, a former reporter for Bijie Daily told NTDTV on Sunday (Oct. 27): “It’s not like a reporter can publish whatever he wants to. Before any news report can be published, it has to be approved by an editor, the chief editor or even an editorial board. Now they have changed their attitude like this. This does not seem natural and doesn’t comply with the process of news production either. The change is just too abrupt.”

If you look closely you can see the scar on Chen’s throat, image courtesy of Reuters

Moreover, when he appeared on television, a scar could be seen on Chen’s neck, which raises the suspicion that he had been tortured into giving a confession.

Li Yuanlong was the journalist who broke the story of the five street kids who were found dead in a dumpster in Guizhou last year. In the aftermath, his online posts were blocked and his movements were closely monitored by authorities. Li says it is common practice for journalists to be tortured and media outlets to be paid off in contentious cases such as this one.

The argument that marketisation and the emergence of companies like Zoomlion will lead to democratisation has done the rounds in recent years. But, as Philip Pan wrote in “Out of Mao’s Shadow,” those counting on the capitalists to lead the charge for democratization in China are likely to be disappointed. China’s emerging business elite is a diverse and disparate bunch, and for every large company that would embrace political reform, there are others who support and depend on the authoritarian system, who believe in one-party rule and owe their success to it.

The torture and intimidation of journalists is a phenomenon that is unlikely to go away any time soon. Journalist Yu Dongyue was jailed for 17 years for splattering paint on a portrait of Mao during the 1989 pro-democracy protests. Upon being released in 2006, human rights groups who had campaigned for him say he was driven insane by the torture.

In 2009, he was granted political asylum in the United States after fleeing to Thailand.

Although the evidence that Chen was tortured is not cast-iron, long-term Chinese media-watcher Jeremy Goldkorn of Danwei said: “I don’t know the specifics of this case, but you don’t get a confession on CCTV unless there is some political element to it.”

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