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Shenzhen Cops Teach Children How to Use Guns

Posted: 07/17/2014 9:00 am

Children, if you’re finding this summer vacation to be really boring, the Shenzhen police have a suggestion for you: learn how to shoot a gun.

The Shenzhen Public Security Bureau recently wrote a post on its official Weibo account that told everyone about an event they were holding. Along with demonstrations of rappelling down the sides of buildings and showing off their robots, the Shenzhen police gave a hands-on demonstration for local children in how to wield firearms.

These guns may not have been loaded with ammunition or have been functional weapons, but they certainly look real enough that a Shenzhen child will never be able to touch a gun like it ever again under China’s gun ban.

That is, unless they become a police officer or soldier. Or a criminal.

Comments left on the Shenzhen PSB’s Weibo post include:

I don’t know if teaching children to use guns is a good thing. It’s hard to say.

Excuse me, but does your activity run for a couple of days? I want to bring my child down to have a look!

Kids, uncle (police officer) can’t use them; can you use them?

What kind of an activity is this?

Kid, stop with that sniping, that’s me! [goingwild.emo]

Here are more pictures of Shenzhen children, packing heat:


Photos: Shenzhen PSB


Uber Expensive F1 Race Car Simulators Launch in Guangzhou

Posted: 06/20/2014 5:14 pm

The thrill of getting to drive a Formula One race car isn’t something that many people will ever get to do. But now, the next best thing is available in Guangzhou with the launch of F1 race car simulators at the D2L Entertainment Center (Huan Teng Technology).

Made by Cruden and available in China for the first time, eight of these Hexatech simulators will be linked up so that you can race in real-time with seven of your closest friends.

Valued at $191,000 back in 2009, these simulators will try to offer you something more than just the latest version of Gran Turismo or Forza. Tian Dong, co-founder of Huan Teng Technology, explains:

As Cruden designs all aspects of the simulator in-house, we are already able to plan making a city race track of Guangzhou.

A simulator? To allow you to drive around Guangzhou at over 250 km/h in a F1 car? That doesn’t just sound like a good idea to rock and roll with every night, but also one with which to party with every day.

Alas, like a tortoise shell lobbed from behind, there is a downside to this news: D2L is a private members club, so this isn’t your average arcade where you’ll only need a roll of quarters.

Anyone still not convinced of the newest best thing to do in Guangzhou can watch this video of a Cruden Hexatech simulator at work.

One thing is for sure: even if that thing fit in my living room, the missus would not stand for it.

Photo: Cision


Explore Your Chinese Childhood with These Japanese Icons

Posted: 06/2/2014 4:11 pm

childhood memor japanese culture anime cartoon herosInternational Children’s Day took place this past Sunday, June 1, a day to raise awareness for important children’s issues like child labor, human trafficking and child abuse once the very important business of dancing and singing is first completed.

As we slowly wind down this Dragon Boat Holiday, we thought we’d share this Weibo post shared by none other than the People’s Daily Online in celebration of this day.childhood memor japanese culture anime cartoon heros

The People’s Daily Online said:

#Hello again, childhood: Come on and take a look; can you find your childhood in here?

The accompanying photo is a cool art poster consisting of a stellar line-up of several cartoon figures, and a quick glance reveals some top names: Doramon, Pokemon, Dragonball Z, Astroboy, Totoro, Initial D, Sailor Moon… everyone and everything that was cool for a kid in the last thirty years that also happened to be imported from across the sea.

Yes, it’s a pure nostalgia trip for many of the readers of the People’s Daily Online. With so many amazing Japanese anime and cartoons, it’s hard to imagine Chinese not getting sentimental over these childhood favorites.

You may not be Chinese, but can you find your childhood in here? Take a look!childhood memor japanese culture anime cartoon heros

* Note: We’re not entirely sure, but this page in Japanese may be pointing out the same thing. And if someone can help us identify the artist of this collection of childhood Japanese memories, we’d appreciate it.

Photo: People’s Daily Online via Weibo


Addicted to Video Games, Man Murders Panyu Family of Six, Details Released

Posted: 05/15/2014 5:41 pm

panyu family murderer video gamesMore details are being released in the April 28 murders in Panyu, Guangdong in which a family of six spanning three generations were murdered in a botched early morning home invasion robbery.

A 29 year-old divorced Henan man surnamed Su was caught on May 3 and confessed he had staged the burglary at the Song family residence in order help pay for his addiction to an online video game.

With the arrest of the suspect approved on May 13, explanations to how Su was able to murder the six victims by himself are now being reported.

READ: Thief Murders Panyu Family of Six to Pay for Video Game Addiction

Though Su has no prior criminal record and is said to never have committed a crime before, the suspect had the forethought to bring three weapons along with him on this burglary in which he would be stealing things to take back with him: two knives and a hammer.

The Song family comprises of six members: Mr Song, his wife, his grandfather and his grandmother, and his two children, a five year-old girl and a two year-old boy. The Songs live on the top floor of an apartment building in Dashijie, Panyu.

panyu murder evidence

With the use of a safety rope at 3 am on April 28, Su was able to access entry to the victims’ residence through an unlocked window that he somehow knew was open before he got there. Upon entering the residence, Su found that he was in the guest bedroom where he discovered grandfather Song sleeping. Su then took out his hammer to knock out the sleeping man, but upon doing so, instead woke him up.

A fight broke out between the two men, and other family members came running to confront the intruder. However, all four adults were incapacitated by this one man.

As police explain, the suspect was able to dispatch the adult victims because of the large size of the Song household (100 sqm), and that they were equally spread out in separate bedrooms in pairs. But as the report details, each of the four adults came running as fast as they could upon hearing the disturbance of the fight.

READ: Guangdong Teen Murders Aunt Because She Criticized Him 
for Playing Video Games

With the four adults taken care of, the suspect Su went to clean himself in the bathroom. It was at that time he heard the crying of the two Song children, and so decided to kill them as well.

Su remained at the crime scene for an additional 17 hours and only left at 8pm the next night. Police say Su did this in order to destroy evidence of the crimes.

For everything that Su had allegedly done, his earnings from this crime spree consist of 6,000 yuan, a gold bracelet, and the victims’ bank account cards.

Su wanted to use the proceeds of this crime to raise the stats of his equipment in an unnamed competitive online video game.

Obscene Content May Be Banned From Chinese Video Game Ads

Photos: Weibo (12)


China Insider: Ten Ways to Smack Talk To Mainland Chinese Over Xbox Live

Posted: 05/11/2014 5:30 pm

Reform has brought us some nifty things over the years, and none more next-gen as the recent lift of the ban on video game consoles in China. This September, the Xbox One will sold in the Shanghai free trade zone.

Soon, the joys of online console multi-player will be experienced by a new video gaming audience. While market analysts speculate upon proper strategies to win over this new market, there is but one practical problem left for the common gamer to deal with: how do I smack talk to a mainland Chinese player over Xbox Live?

Now, certain factor may not facilitate online smack talk for Chinese Xbox Live. It may well be that China will become its own online-locked region and serve as an extension of the Great Firewall to keep the potty mouths of rambunctious 12 year-old Call of Duty players from spoiling the unsullied ears of Chinese players. Furthermore, it may well be that a Chinese player would rather rocket jump at the chance to practice his English with a native English speaker like you than engage in online griefing.

Be that as it may, online fragging employs its own universal language made up of an alphabet of gibs. That said, here are some easy Chinese phrases with which to punctuate your online kills.

Remember: use responsibly in the virtual world of digitized blood, and not in a practical situation in the real world—there are no resets there.

1) 你死定了 (Nǐ sǐ dìng le): “You’re gonna die!” The basics. Not great banter, but good for hyping up the contest as you wait it out in the lobby.

2) 去死吧 (Qù sǐ ba):”Go to hell!” A very common insult, very applicable in the context of mutual fragging.

3) 你被打中了 (Nǐ bèi dǎ zhòng le): “I shot/hit you!” Again, nothing too difficult, but then it’s these simple phrases that you are more likely to use while double jumping or parkouring or whatever is occupying most of your brain.

4)  无懈可击 (Wúxièkějī): “Unassailable/impeccable.” Be sure to say this after you frag someone else, and not when someone tags you.

5) 你不是我的对手 (Nǐ bùshì wǒ de duìshǒu): This literally means “You are not my opponent”, but saying this after you have beaten someone gives the implication that “You are not worthy of being my opponent.”

6) 起死回生 (Qǐ sǐ huí shēng): This means “to rise from the dead” or to make “an unexpected recovery”. Scream this out whenever you respawn to get on your opponents nerves.

7) 我要给我师父报仇 (Wǒ yào gěi wǒ shīfu bàochóu): “I will avenge my master!” Nothing remotely to do with the first-person shooter genre, but still a cool thing to shout out.

8) 我要斩草除根 (Wǒ yào zhǎncǎochúgēn): This literally means” I want to pull up grass by the roots” when you’re talking about plants, but when spoken with a blood-curdling tone this means to “I will completely destroy my enemies“.

9) 你死在我手下,一点儿也不冤枉 (Nǐ sǐ zài wǒ shǒuxià, yīdiǎn er yě bù yuānwang): “It is no injustice at all for you to die at my hands.” A verbal barb traded within the confines of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this one is good when yelled or as a menacing whisper.

10) 我一路过关斩将,终于杀入决赛 (Wǒ yīlù guòguānzhǎnjiàng, zhōngyú shā rù juésài): “After all my trials and tribulations, I will kill my way to the top.” A little wordy perhaps, but still a gem that will strike a chord among Chinese players for evoking an idiom about Guan Yu from the Three Kingdoms era.

Photo: Evil Avatar


Thief Murders Panyu Family of Six to Pay for Video Game Addiction

Posted: 05/5/2014 8:00 am

The shocking case of the murder of a Panyu family of six that included two children has resulted in a suspect being arrested, reports Sina.

The suspect, named Su, is 29 years-old and hails from Taikang County in Henan Province. Su was apprehended at 5am on May 3 at his residence in an industrial area in Guangdong. There, police discovered the victims’ stolen belongings: 6,000 yuan, a gold bracelet, and bank account cards (see below).

READ: Guangdong Teen Murders Aunt Because She Criticized Him
for Playing Video Games

The suspect had allegedly broken into the residence in Dashijie District in Panyu at 3am on April 28 to rob it, at which time he apparently decided to kill the entire family.

The bodies of the victims were found the next day on April 29 at 3pm. Dead are a Mr Song, his wife, their son and daughter, and the children’s grandparents. The girl is reported to have been five years-old, while the youngest victim is a boy who was just two years-old.

From the time we first brought you this story, details have continually been sparse. However, police have finally revealed the motive of the crime: Su needed money to purchase better equipment for an online video game to which he was reportedly addicted.

Su is facing criminal charges.

Photos: Weibo (1, 2)

Obscene Content May Be Banned From Chinese Video Game Ads


Obscene Content May Be Banned from China’s Video Game Ads

Posted: 04/25/2014 12:16 pm

The raid on the Shenzhen offices of Kuaibo on April 22 was regarded as an initiative by the government to get tough on copyright infringement. However, news of the police raid has sent shockwaves through the Chinese online video game industry as rumors swirl of a “obscenity ban“, iQiLu reported.

The rumored ban would prohibit video game companies from using licentious material in any of its advertising. Apparently a notice has already been sent to game companies that says video game advertisements that expose sensitive body parts through the use of short sleeves, shorts, skirts, and bathing suits are prohibited. Any physical contact between men and women characters are forbidden, though its not sure how violence is covered under these rules.

The rumors true or not, yesterday saw a downward trend in the stock market for just about every Chinese online gaming company. Shares plummeted for video game companies like OurPalm, Shunwang Technology, and Aisidi.

Besides its reputation as a notorious pirate that rebroadcast unlicensed material, Kuaidi is well-known for its racy video game advertisements.  An unnamed industry insider likens the investigation to an “attack” and gave this analysis:

What can most attract traffic on the internet is lascivious material. Reading material and news can not compare with this. Because of its individual characteristics, it was very easy for Kuaibo to attract online gaming companies to purchase advertising on its streaming products.

The fear is resonated by this representative of an unidentified Beijing-based online video game company:

The investigation of Kuaibo is a signal. During this initiative, will they continue to investigate other promotional avenues of the online gaming industry? What’s next, investigating the content of online games themselves?

For its part, Kuaidi has admitted that police visited their offices, but denies that any arrests were made. The company is adamant that is has resumed normal operations.

The government initiative to police the Chinese internet of obscene and copyright infringement began earlier this month.

Despite its effect upon the industry, Caijing reported the rumored ban as false, confirming that there is no such ban after contacting several video game companies.

Between this and the prostitution crackdown in Dongguan that continues to plague the city’s economy, we can only hope that adhering to moral principles doesn’t have a detrimental effect upon China’s economic prosperity.

Photo: 55g, kaifu


Guangdong Teen Murders Aunt After Criticism for Playing Video Games

Posted: 04/10/2014 6:02 pm

Police from Zhenjiang district of the city of Shaoguan have confirmed that they have arrested Lu X Jie* for strangling to death his aunt after she criticized him for playing video games, reported Nandu.

Lu X Jie, a 17 year-old high school dropout, was invited by his aunt Lu X Quan* to stay at her home in Shaoguan; she had arranged a job interview for him at the electrical plant of an acquaintance of hers. Upon arriving, X Jie would immediately turn on his cousin’s computer and play video games until 3am the next morning, at which time he was told to go to bed by his aunt. Upon waking up at 9am the next day, X Jie would again draw the ire of his aunt when he again kept playing video games, prompting her to say that he “won’t ever change his stubborn nature”.

His concentration broken in the middle of whichever brilliant tactical decision he was about to take, X Jie broke into a furious rage. X Jie pushed his aunt down to the floor where he would beat her head against the ground, and then strangled her to death with the electric cord to a hot water bottle. His little finger bitten during the fight, X Jie then stole her phone, keys, and 75 yuan from her wallet.

X Jie hid his aunt’s body in the next room and cleaned up the scene of the crime by mopping up any blood on the ground. He then up called a second-hand store in order to sell off his aunt’s TV, stereo, satellite paraphernalia for 100 yuan, or its equivalent currency in gil. Afterwards, X Jie invited a friend named Ming to come over to the murder scene so that they could play video games together in relative peace.

The next day after his friend left, X Jie went back to his aunt’s house to sleep, after which he went to a internet bar. It was there that X Jie was finally caught and confronted by police. At the time of his arrest, he reportedly said:

“It’s okay if you beat me, just don’t touch my computer at any cost.”

The report does not specifically mention if either one of X Jie’s requests were fulfilled.

Meanwhile, a similar crime involving video games has happened recently in Sichuan. Games in Asia reports an argument between a 16 year-old boy and his mother over the MOBA video game League of Legends turned deadly when the mother was carried away by the current of a river when she threatened to kill herself, a process repeated when the father later came to confront the son who would also walk into the river like his mother and also get carried away as well.

* The middle names has been withheld from publication


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