The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Guangdong Mistress Wannabe Gets Swindled By Sugar Daddy Recruiter

Posted: 06/3/2014 12:05 pm

mistress for hireMistresses in China are renowned for living off the riches of their (often married) boyfriends, but it doesn’t always work out as planned.

That was the case for a 17 year-old Guangzhou girl named Lili (a pseudonym). She answered an online ad in August 2012 to meet Li Jun, a 27 year-old Hunan man, who promised he could introduce her to men interested in taking her as a mistress in exchange for money.

However, before Li was able to introduce her to any potential “sugar daddies”, he first asked Lili to pay an RMB 5,000 “honesty fee” upfront.

Trusting Li, Lili dutifully transferred the money. Li then threatened to expose Lili for being involved in this conspiracy. With Li Jun holding it over her, he raped Lili and used that to further blackmail her.

When the victim’s distraught family found out about the crime, they reported Li to the police, who arrested him and charged him with fraud and rape. He was later convincted and has been sentenced to 10 and a half years in prison.

The moral of the story? Even mistresses can be swindled… sometimes.

Photo: Weibo

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