The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Busy Texting, Public Bus Driver in Jiangsu Kills Cyclist

Posted: 10/27/2014 9:30 am

Texting while driving is a dangerous activity, a point driven home once again following a fatal collision in Jiangsu that could’ve been avoided.

A security camera on a public bus recorded the driver, a man named Gao, using his phone 39 times in the seven minutes leading up to a September 5 crash, reports Sina.

Gao can be seen in the video on his phone when he crashed into a cyclist, who was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Gao’s bus driver’s license was revoked, and he is currently facing criminal charges.

In a similar case, the driver of a coach bus (thankfully empty of passengers) collided with another vehicle while texting. Do you think that there is an increased incidence of distracted driving in China? Or is this par for the course?

Photos: People’s Daily Online


    Culling the herd….I have no problem with that

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