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The Nanfang will be out in Dongguan this weekend… come say hi

Posted: 02/24/2011 4:00 am

To celebrate one month of The Nanfang being live and on the interwebs, we’ll be out and about in Dongguan this weekend, taking notes, snapping photos, and expanding the content we offer in our bar and restaurant listings.

While we’ve been to many of the bars and restaurants in Dongguan already, we’re looking forward to hitting up the ones that have escaped us. One of the ones on our agenda is Woodstock, as well as Beijing Bar and Hollywood Baby Too. Of the three main cities in the PRD, expats calling Dongguan home have the fewest online resources — all the more reason for us to make our listings even more comprehensive.

For those Shenzhen and Guangzhou residents who fancy a night’s stay in Dongguan, you could do worse than giving this a read for a primer on Dongguan’s nightlife. We may also use this as a general guide.

Hope to see you around this weekend.

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