The Nanfang / Blog

Cam MacMurchy

Thousands Gather in Central After Beijing Denies Democracy for Hong Kong

Posted: 08/31/2014 8:37 pm

It has been the summer of unrest in Hong Kong. Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets on July 1 to demand full universal suffrage for the 2017 chief executive election or else they threatened to paralyze Central, the city’s central business district; weeks later, a counter-rally took place that opposes the protest and promoted harmony in Hong Kong.

After this back-and-forth all summer the other shoe has finally dropped.  At a news conference today in Beijing broadcast live in Hong Kong, Li Fei, a member of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, announced that Hong Kong people would be allowed to vote for their next chief executive in 2017, but only from a list of candidates pre-vetted by Beijing. The decision was widely expected, and now the leaders of Occupy Central intend on pushing forward with civil disobedience plans.

Several thousand people are gathered along Hong Kong’s waterfront tonight. Below are some photos and tweets from the event.









    “weeks later, a counter-rally took place that . . .promoted harmony in Hong Kong.”

    Really? I mean, really? Are you for real? A pack of highly-organised ‘demonstrators’ who didn’t seem to know quite what it was that they were ‘demonstrating’ about “promoted harmony”? Is this some kind of joke?

  • Mangrove

    In China “harmony” means, “just shut up and take it.”

  • The master of none

    The piggy eyed people are truly retarded.
    Democracy what a Fcking joke.
    The rest of the world is at brink of war and civil collapse and the piggy eyed brainwashed people want a slice of that!
    Anti China powers at work here in hope they can cause power collapse to wreck the economy so their own shitty countries can get back in the game.

  • MidniteOwl

    Bring out the tanks, i dare you! This time around, people aren’t going to stand around to be run over and killed by the CCP.

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