The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Toxic Chemical Spill in Dongguan Called “Completely Safe”

Posted: 04/15/2014 1:55 pm

If singing a song or expressing complete ignorance aren’t effective methods to take the focus off the recent prostitution crackdown in Dongguan, then maybe a toxic chemical spill is just the catastrophe the city has been waiting for.

A freighter loaded with shipping containers collided with a sand barge at 2am on the morning of April 13 on the south side of Humen Bridge in Dongguan, iFeng reports. As a result of the collision, toluene diisocyanate (TDI) was spilled across the deck of the ship.

The Port of Humen in Shatian County determined that no chemicals leaked into the sea as a result of the incident, and that no injuries were incurred. For its part, the Environmental Protection Agency would state that no damage has been caused to the atmosphere or water from the chemical spill.

That’s all very reassuring, but a source working at the scene described the clean-up in this way:

The people in charge gave everyone masks and protective clothing to wear, but no matter what, I still feel sick.

Toluene diisocyanate is classified as “very toxic,” a “possible carcinogen,” and is acutely irritating to eyes, the respiratory system and skin with pronounced symptoms. But as no one was injured in the incident, it’s likely that the unidentified worker was just sick at seeing all this valuable chemical go down the drain. So to speak.

With public safety reassured, we can objectively value toluene diisocyanate for what it really is: a modern marvel necessary for the manufacturing of flexible polyurethane foam cushions which make sitting down such a joy.

Photos: Nandu

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