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Charles Liu

Ugly Video Shows Group of Girls in Maoming Beating Up Another Girl

Posted: 07/1/2014 3:41 pm

A girl was beaten by a group of her peers in Maoming, and the whole episode was caught on video. A video has surfaced on the internet that shows three girls, who all look to be junior high school students, ganging up to beat on another girl as a fourth accomplice records a video of the entire incident.

The video shows three girls ganging up on the single girl, while the fourth girl presumably holds the camera to film the incident. All appear to be junior high school students.

At one point, one of the attackers poses with a “V-sign” to the camera as she says, “Yeah!”

READ: Caught on Tape: Zhuhai Girl Surrounded, Beaten
and Stripped by Female Classmates

The victim, wearing navy blue, didn’t hit back at her attackers during the entire ordeal. None of the people in the video have been identified.

Beating up a single girl by a gang of female bullies is a common story in Guangdong, one that is often accompanied by a video recording.

In 2008, a 17 year-old girl was beaten up by four girls and then raped by a gang of boys. In 2009, three girls ganged up on a girl in Jieyang. In 2010, a Guangdong woman described by media as “beautiful and pregnant” was beaten by a gang of girls while passersby stood and watched. Last year, a Zhuhai girl was beaten and stripped by a gang of girls on camera.


Photos: Screenshots from Sina Video

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