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Charles Liu

Under Immense Pressure, Yulin Cancels Infamous Dog Eating Festival [UPDATED]

Posted: 06/17/2014 11:49 am

dog eating festival

UPDATE 3, 7:06pm June 22: The Yulin Summer Solstice Dog Eating Festival did in fact take place on June 21; please see here for our report.

UPDATE 2, 10:29am June 19: A new development indicates the Yulin dog eating festival has already been held after all. Organizers moved the date to avoid detection.

UPDATE 1, 8:42 June 18: A comment from Sina suggests these statements were made by the local government in order to completely dissociate itself from the dog eating festival by cancelling tours for the festival and completely withdraw support.


The Yulin Dog Eating Festival has drawn so much criticism from around China that it appears to have been cancelled, according to Caijing.

The annual festival was to be held on June 21 as part of a long tradition in Yulin, Guangxi in which approximately 10,000 dogs are consumed.

READ: Animal Activists Clash with Dog-Serving Guangxi Restaurant

A government official not willing to be identified gave this statement:

The government of Guangxi and the city of Yulin have decided to withdraw from hosting the dog eating festival because the pressure given to us by people from all walks of life is simply too much!

The cancellation seems to have been confirmed by local residents. A young boy at a concealed slaughterhouse for dogs said on June 12:

The government is not letting us sell any (dog meat). After killing the dogs today, there won’t be any more dogs to kill. (Anymore new) dogs from outside the city aren’t allowed in. 

A local dog meat proprietor complained about the withdrawal of support from the government:

I still remember the words that department head Li Junqing from the Food and Drug Inspection agency had said at last year’s festival, ‘If you dare to interfere with the eating of dog meat, they will pick up a knife and kill you!’ Didn’t think that so soon after saying that, the government’s position would reverse so suddenly.

READ: Shocking: The Brazen Capture of a Dog in Broad Daylight in Guangdong

The local Yulin government had previously tried to dissociate itself from the local dog eating festival. Under mounting public pressure, the Yulin municipal government announced on June 6 the dog eating festival would be a private and commercial venture not associated with the government.

The local government had made concessions earlier to try to reach a compromise between local residents and animal rights activists. The government issued a directive to local residents to hide any advertising of dog meat on restaurant signs and to refrain from slaughtering dogs in public places.

Furthermore, an order given by the government to doctors and nurses to refrain from eating dog meat has also been revealed to include all Yulin civil servants.



  • Pauline Newman

    About time to! Dogs (& cats) are companion animals and should not be tortured and killed. China need to know that the whole of the world is now watching them very closely.

  • theresa morris

    Hate China for what they are doing to dogs and cats the world is watching .

    • PegasusOrgans

      Hate USA for what they are doing to pigs, cows, chicken and other animals just as cute and smart as cats and dogs, the world is watching (but doesn’t seem to care).

  • Dionne Saville

    Wtf is going on in China?? such an evil race they,d eat there own shit if they could there barbaric and evil cunts I hope one day they suffer pain like they put those poor animals through in the depths of hell!!

  • Rowanshire

    It is not clear to me if the Chinese government is BANNING the slaughter of dogs for consumption or not. This clearly needs to take place. And the eating of cats should also be included in this ban. We know they also torture and kill (in a painful and grotesque way) cats. Pressure needs to continue to be put upon those in high offices that eating what the rest of the world considers to be “companion animals” is barbaric and puts them in a very adverse light. Show them you are serious-boycott dog/cat foods and treats made in China — and there are many! And any other Chinese goods for that matter. I look at labels now…all the time.

  • Pingback: It Happened: Yulin Held Controversial Dog Eating Festival Early To Avoid Attention | Nanfang Insider

  • janesomerset

    We in UK are appalled that the Yulin un festival took place early to avoid objections. Whatever is the matter with you people? These beautiful dogs have feelings & you have NO RIGHT to kill them especially in such a barbaric way. I wish the same pain on you all. You will suffer in HELL for your crimes. Please STOP KILLING DOGS AND CATS. Wake uo to the 21st century.

  • June Tan

    “UPDATE 2, 10:29am June 19: A new development indicates the Yulin dog eating festival has been held afterall. Organizers moved the date to avoid detection.”

    meaning?? It already took place?

  • Pingback: Yunlin Dog Sellers Openly Taunt Dog Lovers: “Buy The Dog Or It Dies!” | Nanfang Insider

  • Alwine

    Is this true????

  • CY

    so disgusted with China.. It’s 2014 and they still have the caveman mentality. Just remember, there’s such a thing as karma.

  • Pingback: Yulin Dog Eating Festival: “The More You Protest, The Better Our Business Is” | Nanfang Insider


    Change is coming to China and with the help of the youth of China, this will no longer be allowed at all. While I am as disgusted as anyone over this, I now have hope that these practices will no longer be tolerated.

  • jcspires51

    Americans and other Western countries are certainly feeling smug about how well we treat dogs and cats compared to China. But should we? Look at this article which tells what domestic terrorists of animals do to kittens:

  • jcspires51

    There’s not much Americans can do to prevent China from eating animals and celebrating the practice at festivals. But we can donate to rehabilitate animals in our own country and when we learn of people doing things like setting fire to kittens we can report the perpetrators’ sorry asses to the police — even if the criminals are neighborhood children :

    • melissa

      Omg thanks for saving him! He deserves a loving home after what he’s been through!

      • jcspires51


      • jcspires51


    • PegasusOrgans

      Yet factory farms in the west treat animals even worse but only “dirty hippy scum” dare talk about it. So only SOME animals don’t deserve torture??

  • Meadmaid55 .

    Thank you, to all you young Chinese activists who are fighting some of your own people over this horrific treatment of animals! The hearts of we animal lovers all over the world are with you in your fight. You will be their saving grace - may the forces of goodness and compassion be with you all! Fight On!

    • PegasusOrgans

      Look at factory farms in the USA. Clean up your own backyard before you complain about china. Animals live a life full of pain and cruelty until they are killed. They literally live and sleep in their own shit because their cages are so small.

  • melissa

    Eww! Gross! I’m disgusted! I hope all of them go to hell! And for them to say the more its protested the better their business! That’s disgusting! How can that be?

    • PegasusOrgans

      Google factory farms in the USA. Animals live in tiny cages and face a lifetime of torture. So much for China being worse. Or maybe only dogs deserve sympathy?

  • PegasusOrgans

    Well what can you expect from one of the most subhuman countries on earth. You can’t get much worse than China. The whle population dying off would be a godsend.

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