The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Watch This: The “Kiss Stir Fry”, Your Chinese Internet Meme of the Day

Posted: 04/18/2014 11:29 am

Finally, a Chinese internet viral trend that Westerners can enjoy! Introducing, the “kiss stir fry“. This meme is so new that it doesn’t have an actual name yet, so we’re going to call it that until planking makes a resurgence on the mainland.


It looks like a variation upon an aerial lindy hop move, or perhaps a bobby sox that has caught up to the fast times of modern Chinese society. We surmise that the kiss stir fry will be big in China for these reasons:

  1. It’s an excuse to kiss for a society that frowns upon public displays of attention
  2. Like buying a house before marriage, it’s an established fact that all physical relations must be justified beforehand with work
  3. Though there is a lot of gender inter-mixing going on, this stunt reinforces gender roles: the man is strong, and the woman has dieted
  4. Upon starting the stunt, (with your head in someone else’s crotch), you’re committed to performing a kiss and upon completion; girls will be able to retain all titles of chastity as a result


Since this is a stunt, the kiss stir fry is actually much more enjoyable when it doesn’t succeed.

To try to keep down loading times on this page, here are the rest in the gallery:

Photos: Guangzhou Daily Weibo account

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