Shenzhen Hip-Hop Festival
VENUE: F518 Idea Land
ADDRESS: 1/F, block F17, F518 Idea Land Baoyuan Road, Baoan District (深圳市宝安中心区宝源路F518时尚创意园F17栋103)
CITY: Shenzhen
TIME: Saturday Apr 20, 2013 16:00 - Sunday Apr 21, 2013 02:00
Event: SZLM 2013 Hip Hop Festival
Time: 20 April 2013,
· 4pm-8pm Open Exhibition (free entry)
· 9-11pm Performances (requires ticket)
· 11pm-2am After party (requires performance ticket)
Venue: F518 Idea Land, Bao An District
Cost: 20/50 RMB
· 20rmb ticket - entry into performances and after party + 1 free drink
· 50 rmb ticket - entry into performance and after party + 1 free drink + 1 set Skullcandy headphones + SZLM custom event hat
Event Details:
This festival is about bringing the community together for local SZ artists to introduce and share hip hop culture and for the community to experience hip hop culture, first hand. We have more than 50 hip hop performers and graffiti artists are already involved.
This one-day festival is has three parts:
1) Open Exhibition, Workshop & Sharing
· Live graffiti artists painting on the walls that surround the venue
· SZLM is giving away t-shirts to be worn so graffiti artists can paint live graffiti on it
· Numerous booths with showing movies on different elements of hip hop, including history of rap, break dancing and beat mixing, etc.
· Learn to DJ and mix beats - a Live beat mixing and DJ booth for people to see how digital music is made
· Local vendors selling cool products, including surf boards, Cajons, headphones, DJ equipment, clothing, etc.
· Local music artists and graffiti artists selling albums, art
2) Scheduled performances from local SZ Chinese and foreign hop hop artists
· SZLM's very own Adrian Blackstock, a.k.a. ReMix BlackDragon is show director and MC for the event.
· Adrian's lined up non-stop performances including beat boxing, rappers, breakers and poppers, etc. for 2 hours of ongoing entertainment.
· Adrian will also perform 5 artist tributes with other SZ performers to pay homage to legendary groups that built Hip Hop music, including James Brown, TUPAc, B.I.G. WuTang and more
· Fashion show
3) After party DJ'd by SZ's flyest underground group, FRESH CREW
· Local underground group FRESH CREW is keeping the beats rollin' well into the morning
Shenzhen Local Music is inviting all SZ hip hop artists, graffiti, dancers, beat boxers, beat mixers, rappers, MC's of ALL nationalities to join, contribute and share their skillz. We're also inviting product designers to set-up booths during open exhibition to sell merchandise. We're still recruiting. Join us to get involved.
The entire event is covered by Chinese and International media channels including That's PRD, The Nanfang, SZ Daily, Shenzhen Standard and more.
Aulon Wine's and Atmosphere in Shekou will be catering food and beverage for the event.
We're also inviting product designers to set-up booths during open exhibition to sell merchandise.
Have interested people contact Rue at 1-852-080-9386 /
All show info and instructions on how to reserve show tickets can be found at
Also check out this awesome video we've made, its on youku:
视频: Harlem “Noodle” Shake, Shenzhen China
Related Links:
F518 IdeaLand (Baoan)
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