12k/mo full-time native English teachers needed

Company:Find Work Abroad



Type: Teaching & Education


A beautiful training center in a warm, welcoming environment is offering a great teaching package up to 12,000RMB /Month for 20 to 25 teaching hours. Teachers should provide all the correct documents for this application. School will provide teaching materials to all the foreign teachers. You will be teaching children aged 3-12 years, this school is located in Nanshan, Houhai district. They will process a working visa should all the correct documents be held.

Salary: 12,000RMB /Month
Accommodation: help offer to find an apartment
Type: Full time
Start date: 20-06-2011


- Teaching experience
- UK, USA, European, Australian, Irish, Canadian or New Zealand passport holder

To Apply:
Email your CV and photo to applications@findworkabroad.com or call Find Work Abroad on (+86) 020-37303381 for more information.
You can also apply online, here: http://www.findworkabroad.com/esl-job/12000month-full-time-native-english-teachers-training-center-20hrs-week

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