Man Beheaded at a Chinese Shopping Mall After Argument Turns Deadly

Charles Liu February 7, 2015 1:45pm (updated)

yanan knife attack

[This post contains material that may be offensive to some readers]

A shopping mall in Yan’an, Shaanxi is the scene of horrific crime today as a dispute between shopkeepers turned deadly when three people were attacked by a man with a knife.

The attack happened at around 1pm on the third floor of the Shengda International Shopping Plaza. At least two of the victims had a shop selling curtains on the floor, and were apparently in a dispute with the man accused of the attack. One of the victims was so badly cut that his head was severed.  A third victim was found on an escalator nearby. There are conflicting reports, but at least two of the three died in the incident.

The suspect was arrested at the scene, which has been sealed off by police tape.

Photos: China Business Report

Charles Liu

The Nanfang's Senior Editor