Boyfriend Literally (and Shamelessly) Gets Down For Love at Shopping Mall

Just, wow.

Couples argue; it’s a fact. All the same, arguments don’t typically involve rolling around on the ground to appease your partner. And yet that’s exactly what one boyfriend was asked to do following a dispute with his girlfriend in a Hangzhou shopping mall last week.

As documented by a number of netizens, the argument attracted national attention when the boyfriend was seen rolling on the ground to appease his girlfriend.

What has Chinese most interested about this incident is that the popular Chinese colloquialism of “Get lost!” (滚, gǔn) also means “to roll” at the same time. Despite not being able to hear the argument, many Chinese have come to the conclusion that the girlfriend told the boyfriend to gǔn, to which the boyfriend obediently obliged by “rolling” on the floor.

Here’s the video:

Charles Liu

The Nanfang's Senior Editor