miss michigan arianna quan

State-Run Chinese Bookstore Jumps In, Calling Miss Michigan “Ugly” and a “Traitor”

Alleges Weibo account was hacked

China’s largest nationwide state-run bookstore chain is in hot water after calling Arianna Quan, the newly-crowned Miss Michigan, “ugly” and a “traitor” for betraying “her country”.

xinhua bookstore slams miss michigan

The comments were made on Xinhua Bookstore’s Weibo account on July 31 in reference to Quan’s recent beauty pageant win. The Beijing Youth Daily reported that the bookstore’s Weibo account had been hacked, and their account stolen. Here is a translation of the post:

Having grown up to look the way you do, you are only fit to be exported to the USA. If you have any dignity at all, you will never return to Beijing or else you will make neighbors of your family sorry for ever meeting them. When you walk out on the street, you will scare young children. When you try to hail a ride, it’s likely no driver will stop for you. When you take public transit, it’s likely someone will report you to the police. Since you have adopted the enemy as your father, then please refer to yourself as ‘traitor’ (on this application form). Under ‘political affiliation’ please write ‘slave of a vanquished nation’.

The bookstore made another controversial post around the same time with regard to the release of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The post included a line referencing former US President Bill Clinton: “Clinton can’t control his genitals or his crazy, Nazi wife”.

miss michigan arianna quan

Quan, 23, won the title of Miss Michigan on June 16. She immigrated to the US at age six and became a naturalized US citizen at age 14. Quan performed on the piano for the talent competition, and wore a yellow bikini for the swimsuit competition. Nonetheless, Chinese citizens were largely dismissive of her. A majority considers Quan to be “ugly” and made online jokes at her expense, while others simply accepted that East and West have different beauty standards.

Mark Zuckerberg has weighed in on the controversy. Global Times reports the US entrepreneur who has been wooing Chinese leaders for some time has said, “Physical beauty will diminish with age while inner beauty will grow with the years”. Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla Chan had previously been targeted by Chinese citizens as being ugly.

Charles Liu

The Nanfang's Senior Editor